
We hoped we wouldn't need to make further changes to our opening hours, but as you know the guidance for Wales has recently been updated.  Because of this increase in local restrictions, a temporary closure of Rossett & Burton Village Hall is the responsible thing to do for our customers and colleagues.

 From 6pm on Friday 23rd October, Rossett & Burton Village Hall will be closed until Monday 9 November. 2020


We are very pleased to announce that we are able to open our doors again. Not all groups are able to return to their normal sessions, so please contact your group leader for up to the minute information.

We have a very robust Risk Assessment in place and are using state of the art sanitiser to keep everyone safe. You will find hand sanitiser units on the wall at the front and rear to use as you enter and leave. NHS track and trace scan code is also by the sanitiser units for those that have the NHS Covid-19 app on their mobile. . We ask that when you visit us that you follow the current government guidelines.

Yoga For You

We have a new group coming to the Village Hall.

Yoga. Every Wednesday 10am - 11.30am

Hatha Yoga helps improve one’s flexibility through gentle stretching, improving the bodies circulation and so relieving stiff joints and tight muscles. It is a great way to improve one’s posture.

You should leave the class with a sense of improved physical well being.

Loose clothing is recommended together with a cosy blanket to keep you snug during our relaxation period at the end of the session

Book you place by calling Rachel Williams on 07801279761 or email on